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Friday, January 20, 2017

Remix Post-Realism

American Realism became popular during the early days of the 20th century, it's found in literature, art, music, and many other forms.

Earlier this week(Yesterday), I came up with a question, "Could American Realism resurge as a way to combat discrimination towards minorities?"

If you're not familiar with Realism, in literature, it's a way to write about people as the really are, to write about people as people.

So, could Realism resurge because of the racial violence? Well, if you haven't noticed, it already has in the past few years(Stronger than ever because of President Trump) made its way back into the mainstream, and not just in literature, it's found in songs, art, photography, etc.

Allow me to explain how realism would be used as a way to combat discrimination, there are multiple groups of individuals who have certain views about certain people. There are people like me who see Latinos as Hard Working members of society, working towards the same goal as everyone else, to achieve the american dream, to provide a better life for the next generation. Then there are individuals who are on the exact opposite of the spectrum, who see Latinos as "Dangerous Illegals who steal our jobs" and need to be sent back to their home country. There are individuals like me who view people of Islam as members of our diverse community, exercising the Freedom of Religion as guaranteed in the Constitution(First amendment, enacted 1789 and Revised in the Early 1990s during the George H.W. Bush  Administration). Then there are the other individuals who view the Islamic Followers as "Dangerous Terrorists set out to destroy America."

Now, on to the really exciting stuff. How to we combat this discrimination? Well, we fight, verbally, of course. Through words and wisdom, through peace and acceptance of all races, religions, sexuality, and gender, through art and music, through writing and many other ways. Some excellent examples include the famous Novel The Grapes of Wrath or Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, stories about the life of Migrant workers during the Great Depression and how they were treated, the Circuit and other stories by Dr. Francisco Jimenez, stories about a young Mexican Immigrant's experience growing up during a very prejudice time in history when he arrived in a Farming community where the Dominant ethnicity was White, Farewell to Manzanar by James D. Houston and Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, stories of a young Japanese-American living years in an Internment camp, when he family had left Japan years before the Second World War, and through leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr's speech "I have a dream," to push for equality in the segregated south, to push for acceptance of integration at a time where racism was still dominating the country. We can all fight discrimination in any way, shape, or form we choose; Whether it's art or music, to writing a string of mindless paragraphs like I'm doing now, American Realism is making a comeback, whether you've noticed it or not.

Examples of American Realism:

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