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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

GATSBY TEST: Who's been paying attention?

Chapter I:

What are the main differences between East and West Egg?

Which "Egg" does Nick live on?

Chapter II:

How is Nick related to Daisy?

Who is it that continuously calls the Buchanan household throughout dinner?

Chapter III:

Who does Nick meet at the Party?

How do we learn that Nick and Gatsby have met before?

Chapter IV:

Where were Tom and Daisy getting Married?

True or False: Nick came into Daisy's room to discover her Drunk, claiming she didn't want to get Married.



  1. Chapter 1
    1.) West Egg is the rich side and East Egg is the poor side.
    2.) I think Nick lives at East Egg
    Chapter 2
    1.) Nick is related with Daisy as his second cousin
    2.) I don't Recall Satchel.
    Chapter 3
    1.) Jay Gatsby talked to Nick at the party.
    2.) Nick meets Gatsby
    Chapter 4
    1.) I don't know
    2.) True

    1. 1.) Both are rich, West egg is the less Fashionable
      2.) He lives in West Egg

      1.) Correct
      2.) Tom's Mistress

      1.) True
      2.) They both served in WWI in the same battalion

      1.) Santa Barbara
      2.) Correct
