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Thursday, March 23, 2017


1. Their reactions are as follows:

Montag: Much more interested

Mildred: Much less interested

2. The effect of the bombers are to symbolize a feeling of extreme emotion, to describe sensory imagery.

3. Professor Faber is an english professor.

4. Montag's reaction is he gets up and begins to shout.

5. The case Faber makes for books is they were the only type of receptable that they stored a lot if things they were afraid they might forget.

6. The Small Green Metal Object is a Seashell Radio.

7. The White Clown makes me believe that television in this society is incredibly disturbing and violent, persuading viewers to follow their example.

8. Mrs. Phelps does not know why she is crying.

9. Montag's destination is the firehouse because he's carrying out faber's plan.

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