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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Journal Entry-8/16/16

TOPIC: We use phrases like "pay attention" and "make a decision" all the time-- what do they mean to you? How would you teach a child to do either? How might you improve your own abilities in these areas?

RESPONSE: What do these mean to me? They mean people don't believe I can consciously decide to do these things on my own; I'm more than capable of paying attention or making a decision on my terms. Teaching a child to do these things is interesting, because you need to decide if the child is capable of understanding the meanings of these words, 'decision' and 'attention,' if the are, great, give them time to choose whether or not too choose to do these things. If not, let them figure it out. I might improve in these areas by choosing whether or not that decision or attention paying is in my best interest or the interest of others.

"Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions."

-Mark Twain

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