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Friday, September 30, 2016

The Pedestrian: Respecting Authority-- Then versus Now

  How does Leonard Mead respect authority in 'The Pedestrian' versus today? Well, Leonard mead is respectful and polite when he's stopped by the Police Car, answers when asked, and was inquisitive when told to get in, then willingly got into the back of the car. Today, if somebody's stopped, with the Police Shootings and similar events in this day and age, People rebel, run, and are impolite toward police(Lots of people yell things like 'Fuck the Police' and other stupid shit), because they feel as if Police are abusing their Authority. It really does upset me, whenever I see a Police Officer, I usually either nod as a greeting, or Say 'Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening' to the officer just to show that there's still people who respect their Authority. In fact, I had been at one of the Downtown Fridays/Farmer's Market here in Santa Maria, and there was a CHP Booth giving out information about what they do. I politely Said "Hello" to the officer, who replied with "Hi, How are you?" I reply with "Good, and you?" We had a very nice conversation about the cruiser and about how they have Jurisdiction on Broadway and Main, because they're Highway 135 and 166. When I was about to leave, I looked into the back, and Said "This is a place I hope never to end up. I'll try my hardest to keep my nose clean. Thank you for your service." People who respect authority with police and are polite usually aren't targeted for crazy crap, I'm not saying those men who were shot were being impolite, there are of course many Corrupted officials and ones who don't care what race you are, they want to help you no matter what, and I try to remember that.

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