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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

F451 Wrap-Up Questions:

1. They laughed because they themselves are books, all memorized so there is no reason to Judge the book by its cover.

2. Montag still cares about Mildred because he still has hope that she might understand his passion for literature

3. Hands represent each character's personality, while Granger's Grandfather might be creative and passionate, Mildred could give two less fucks and just wants to watch TV.

4. It's because of the things that he did, not who he was, like the stories that books tell, not the books themselves.

5. Because all of time is infinite, yet that three seconds between the drop and the blast are the only seconds that matter.

6. The Pheonix is immortal, it will burst into flames but be reborn out of the ashes, like the ideas in books after burning.

7. He's gone from an individual who hides his passion to one who proudly displays it.

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