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Friday, April 7, 2017


One thing authors, songwriters, and (now that I'm thinking about it) just about everyone hates is having their words twisted into something the didn't intend. Describe a time you thought you communicated clearly and someone else didn't agree.

Last semester when I was a sophmore, I was sitting on a shelf in my History class when it broke. I didn't get up in time for it NOT to break, and luckily I didn't get in trouble. What my Teacher thought happened was since I had a Big Army Pack that had a metal frame and it was heavy, she thought it had broken the shelf. I found out the next day I was not to bring that bag back because she was concerned that "If it's heavy enough to break a shelf, it's heavy enough to break your back." I appreciated the concern, but I several times over told her I was the one who broke the shelf an that I was sorry. To this day I have a crappy backpack that I can hardly open and the zipper's always getting screwed up.

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